Erfahren Sie hier, wie Sie über unsere API ein zuvor erstelltes Dokument OpenDocument ausfüllen und daraus eine PDF erstellen lassen. Sie benötigen dazu lediglich einen kostenfreien PDFTemplate Account (jetzt registrieren).


API Endpunkt



JSON Request Parameter

  "key": "abcdefg1234567890",
  "template": {
    "extension": "odt",
    "base64": "--- Base64 encoded template file ---"
  "vars": {
    "demo_var_1": "Demo value for var 1",
    "demo_var_2": "Demo value for var 2",
    "demo_image": {
      "type": "image",
      "extension": "jpg",
      "base64": "--- Base64 encoded image file ---"
    "demo_qr_code": {
      "type": "qr",
      "text": "This ist the content of the QR Code",
      "size": "50",
      "label": "Demo Label"
    "demo_repetition": [
        "repetition_field_1": "Demo value for 1. repetition field 1",
        "repetition_field_2": "Demo value for 1. repetition field 2",
        "repetition_field_3": "Demo value for 1. repetition field 3",
        "repetition_field_1": "Demo value for 2. repetition field 1",
        "repetition_field_2": "Demo value for 2. repetition field 2",
        "repetition_field_3": "Demo value for 2. repetition field 3",


JSON Response

  "job": "ID of the Job",
  "status": 200, // HTML status code
  "base64": "--- Base64 encoded PDF file ---"